
身份證加英文名 BNO續領 回鄉證 疑難雜症 分享

我舊年續bno嗰陣因為身分證加咗英文名,同舊passport唔同,所以有好多問題想問。每次申請呢啲證件嘅時候上網揾資料都揾唔到確實嘅答案,所以將我嘅經驗寫出嚟,方便大家。一般嘅手續都好多人寫過,所以我淨係補充啲關於改名嘅重點。一諗到有咩野都會繼續update,希望幫到大家。 身份證 (2015年) 因為一啲原因,18歲換成人身份證嗰陣冇加英文名,係19歲先加嘅。 Q: 身分證加英文名要準備咩? A: 其實冇咩要準備,只係去入境處預約申請就得。 Q: 身分證加英文名使唔使做改名契? A: 我冇做改名契。如果淨係加英文名唔使做改名契。 Q: 身分證加英文名使唔使比錢? A: 要比張新身分證嘅錢。如果係18歲換身份證嘅時候改,唔使額外比錢。 回鄉證 (2018年) 要加多100蚊改名費。要帶出世紙。出世紙都影印埋。 記得留意吓佢嘅影印本式樣,身分證同回鄉證各2份,回鄉證底面都要。唔係又要比佢屈影印費。 BNO (2018年) Q: 有咩要準備? A: 因為submit咗個申請之後就會限時要寄文件去英國,所以儘量集齊資料先申請啦。可能要預先準備嘅野: (1) 證件相 (要求: https://www.gov.uk/photos-for-passports ) (2) 出世紙正本 (話說佢寄返黎嗰陣對摺咗我張出世紙... 不過其實出世紙可以無限補領) (3) 地址證明(我係用投票通知卡) (4) 祖父母、外祖父母資料(其實我都淨係填咗姓名,其他資料都唔係好知) Q: BNO好耐冇續,使唔使counter sign? A: 我上一本BNO已經係十幾年前,張相完全認唔到樣。再加上本舊passport又冇新加嘅英文名,所以我有揾人counter sign。副署人係加拿大passport, 已退休專業人士(好多年前都係佢幫過我countersign)。 Q: 以前本BNO冇加英文名,宜家身分證加咗英文名,續領BNO使唔使交改名契同登記事項證明書? A: 我冇整過改名契。冇交登記事項證明書。 Q: 特區護照同身分證唔同名,寄唔寄好? A: 我冇寄特區護照/影印本(因為特區護照同身分證唔同名嘅話,網上試過有人要彈回頭),都冇寄舊BNO/影印本。 Q: 一定要用速遞寄? A: 我用郵局嘅空郵掛號寄(唔係速遞)。嗰陣好

法國 里爾天主教大學 Université Catholique de Lille exchange 全方位心得

法國短期居留visa 申請
Visa de long sejour
2018年申請social security唔洗錢。
(exchange) 學生visa申請費半價($455)

要去campus france interview先。(應該可以同一日,因為個interviewer問我係唔係今日下晝去申請visa)interview都係問吓點解揀去法國,點解揀呢個城市,點樣解決語言問題,輕鬆嘅。

如果finance你嘅人唔係父母,要贊助人嘅passport copy。

因為大學出嘅 nomination letter 冇寫到明係去exchange(冇呢個字眼),要我再交過新嘅信。佢會比你補交。補交時間: Monday to Friday, Except Thursday 2:00-2:30pm,然後指定一日嘅4:00-4:30pm拎返passport。

如果有friend早過你到里爾可以揾人幫你去office拎定鎖匙先,第二日先再去登記,唔係嘅話要留意office幾點關門。如果有野壞嘅話可以同office講,佢會揾人黎整。維修嗰啲阿叔兩個一pair咁過黎嘅,好多都唔識英文,但係好好人,可以用google translate同佢溝通。如果要收信嘅話可以直接寄去宿舍地址,寫明幾多號房(e.g. Ch 123)。如果收包裹最好寄去AEU office。

Foyer International & Ste. Camille 冇保安,friend可以黎住,星期一至五有自助早餐(麵包、cereal、牛油、jam、奶、咖啡、茶包)。宿舍有免費洗衣機乾衣機,但係要搶黎用。Foyer International 5樓要搭電梯到4樓再行樓梯,搬行李都幾辛苦(有啲斜)。床單唔洗帶,張床長過香港。可以租wifi router同被。

所有房都冇冷氣,但係其實我八月中去到天氣已經開始涼,我冇著過短褲。如果九月去到嘅話唔洗帶短袖衫短褲。暖氣每晚凌晨大約一點到五點左右會熄(但係好似ste camille唔會?),平時都唔會特別熱,喺房著普通長袖衫褲ok。


好興以下嘅皮褸同袋,特別係黑色,其實好似法國北部-比利時-荷蘭-德國都係。袋就係四四方方,長短柄都有,放到電腦嘅size。鞋都係普通波鞋或者布鞋,我去嗰陣同香港一樣興adidas super star/ stan


Image result for volvicVOLVIC natural mineral watervolvic有桶(?)裝,我買過兩次
CRISTALINE spring watercristaline最平但係好差
CONTREX natural mineral water見到佢標榜礦物質就唔洗試
Natural mineral water CARREFOUR印象中ok



買十程Trajet Unitaire X10,有優惠€14.45,張卡€2。

有學生個人卡買Trajet Unitaire X10會係€11.80

平時單程€1.65,加張紙飛€0.20。This title is available on a rechargeable ticket. Keep it, it is reusable up to 10 reloads. This ticket costs 20 cents which will be returned to the 5th reload. 紙單程飛可重用
The unit journey allows to travel by Tram , Metro , Bus and TER (between MEL stations). Valid one hour from the first validation. 即係拍完之後一個鐘內可以再搭
lille metro 時間表:https://nmp-ihm.ctp.prod.canaltp.fr/fr/load/bvbOLvph/schedule/line/result/?lineSchedule%5Bnetwork%5D=network%3ATRANSPOLE&lineSchedule%5Bline%5D=line%3ATRA%3AME1&lineSchedule%5Broute%5D=route%3ATRA%3AME1&lineSchedule%5Bfrom_datetime%5D=02%2F04%2F2019&lineSchedule%5Bline_daypart%5D=4-7

free mobile 取消信 sample
AEU Canteen 儲值咗落卡嘅錢臨走之前可以去office攞返餘額。

退宿要一個月前通知,之後上去佢office填form表話比佢聽你邊日走,同埋約前一兩日宿舍個阿嬸黎check房。走嗰日放條鎖匙喺雪櫃就得,冇其他手續。嗰個月宿費按比例計(其實我都唔清楚service fee有冇減。)另外一早比咗嘅deposit會之後大約一個月內退返去你戶口,如果收唔到記住追佢。
BNP 取消account填張信就得。Societe Generale 要booking,可以同佢講一個月後取消,但係張卡要交返銀行。留意Livret jeune會有10euro轉唔到出黎,我最後係叫走咗之後叫銀行transfer去我paypal. 

Add money
Top up your PayPal balance using your bank account. It’s as easy as making a domestic payment transfer. You can only deposit money to your PayPal account via SEPA transfer and only in Euros.
  • 1
    Use a bank that’s linked to PayPal
    The bank account also must be in the same name as your PayPal account: Xxxx Xxxx. If the names don’t match, you can change this in your Profile.
  • 2
    Log in to your online banking or go to your bank
    Then, follow your bank’s instructions for making a payment transfer. Be sure to use the details exactly as they appear here.
    Name of payee
    PayPal Europe
    Bank of the Payee
    Deutsche Bank
    IBAN from PayPal
    DE23 1207 0088 3008 0530 77
  • 3
    Look for an email
    We’ll send you an email once the money is in your PayPal balance. Typically, the transfer takes a few minutes, but allow up to 1-2 business days depending on your bank.

more tips:
如果你係cu bba嘅話
CUHK Business School Exchange tips and sharing by returned students

Be prepared that no credits could be transferred back to CUHK. Teachers are strict about punctuality. Blanket & wifi-router could be rented from AEU (I used my own though). I lived in Foyer International, the 230 euro room was ok, about half of CUHK dorm twin room size. You open the door in the corridor to see two rooms inside. Wardrobe is in the doorway but outside of your room.  No noise isolation at all, you can literally talk to the person next door. Heating turns off during about 11pm-6am. A Fridge in each and every room. Washing machine and dryer are free to use but you need to queue (and fight) to use them. Breakfast is included (Mon-Fri). 

Just a few copies (2-3) of your documents are enough.

Bring a notebook if you have space in your luggage, or buy one here. Some classes have no laptop/phone policy.

Don't bring: formal suit, didn't wear at all (except if you will have skype job interviews)

Apply everything earlier. Apply for an ISIC card (or ISIC credit card because it's free) for discounted bus rides. 
Bring: toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, vacuum bag for clothes, chopsticks, 
Don't bring:  makeup products, skin care products, shampoo, shower gel, sunscreen, bed sheet (doesn't fit, can buy in Zeeman), retainer cleaning tablet, deodorant (toiletries and personal care products are cheap in Germany)​, menstruation napkins (not too expensive here, you can decide)



身份證加英文名 BNO續領 回鄉證 疑難雜症 分享

免費 Pubu 7天 飽讀 推薦 連結